
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Quick help in ICU

I'm greatly encouraged that Susan is awake, alert, and even laughing here in ICU. The neuro team tapped her shunt and drained off about 10 cc's of CSF, enough to lift the pressure from hydrocephalus and bleeding. They'll test the fluid for infection also.

She's been swarmed for the past couple of hours here with top-notch nurses setting her up for treatment and observation. They've administered several things to enhance clotting against her brain hemorrhage - blood plasma, blood clotting factor 9, and vitamin K.

Her CT scan this morning was thankfully stable vs last night. She'll have another at about 6 pm. These ICU people are awesome.

Meanwhile, with the return of hydrocephalus, they'll evaluate her VP shunt after suspecting a blockage in the distal or lower portion. That may require another surgery; but it's too soon to know.

A hemorrhage and hydrocephalus are a lot to deal with at once; but we're relieved to have a positive turn at last. We're secure in the peace of God and grateful for so many prayers on our behalf. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

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