
Monday, March 11, 2013

Therapy is a good thing

After a few days ramping up and being evaluated, Susan had her first full day of physical, occupational, and speech therapies today. She was in good spirits this evening as she ate dinner during my visit after work. I’m not sure if I ever met anyone with a better disposition, more easy-going, less grumbly, more hopeful, and more patient than Susan. She just goes with it. I’d have tried a jailbreak or two by now if it were me. Not her. She’s calm, sweet, and majorly strong. 

As I speak of her strength of character, I was amazed on Saturday how much physical strength she’d gained just in the couple of days since she arrived. As Michelle the physical therapist did her evaluation, she tested for strength, flexibility, and initiation of movement as she led Susan to lie down and get up from a bed and then take a few steps with a walker. The strength is returning to Susan's right arm, so she's able to lift it more and grip things slightly.

The therapist is recommending she stay in acute rehab for three weeks, so if insurance is on board for that long, she’ll come home greatly improved. Meanwhile, we visit each day and look forward to her coming home. I can’t deny I’m relieved myself during this respite from the routine and responsibility of caring for her at home, so I’ll use the time for some caregiver rehab. I keep thinking about Psalm 54:4, “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” He’s got it all worked out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys make my heart so happy! So glad Susan is making progress in physical therapy...will continue praying for you all.
Love always,